Trainees participated in the Top Management Meeting
Jul 07
Husqvarna Group
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In June, four trainees from the Global Trainee Program attended Husqvarna Group’s Top Management Meeting, together with 120 of the Group’s managers.
The meeting provided deeper understanding of Group and division strategy, company culture and sustainability ambitions.
“It was interesting to hear how top management take part in the strategic discussion and help shape the outcome through workshops and discussions, rather than using external management consultants,” says Alexander Fornell, who has just finished his first year.
“Working in Construction, I am always very interested to get to know more about the Forest and Garden side of our business. This was also an excellent networking opportunity and I took several self-improvement lessons from the presentations,” says Katja Ivanova, who soon has finished her 2nd year in the Global Trainee Program.
“What a great experience,” says Ulrike Nagel, who is closing her 2nd year of the program. “All four divisions presented structured and straight forward business plans that gave insights and revealing information. With the culture and sustainability part that was undertaken, I certainly believe that the Group goes into the absolute right direction. If we all ask the right questions like “What can I do to improve behaviors and results”, we can metaphorically spoke move mountains.”
“During the culture workshop, it was clear that many culture issues are similar no matter if one is top management or a trainee. However, reflections regarding culture was shaped by the fact that they manage teams,” says Alexander.
“Under the headline ‘Respecting nature, caring for people’, nine specific sustainability areas have been identified that need additional focus. Knowing the facts, combined with a yes-we-can-attitude, will lead to being the responsible, sustainable company we desire to be. I’m sure – and it starts with me!” says Ulrike.
“Apart from getting a deeper understanding of the interesting and relevant focus areas, I really enjoyed the opportunity to meet and mingle with both new and familiar faces of our top management. I think everyone left the meeting feeling energized and motivated to start executing our ambitious plans,” comments Johan Sandström, who soon has finished his 2nd year of the trainee program.
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