Summary of an incredible year
Nov 09
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Hey readers! Welcome to another post about the SKF Global Graduate Programme. First, this is still the same Programme my colleagues talked about in the previous posts, it just changed name 😊
Anyway, now it’s time to introduce myself. I am Matteo Sanna, soon to be 26 years old; I’m from Italy and I was lucky and determined enough to get into the Programme. As you may know from the previous posts, we all get the opportunity to spend some time working abroad. In my case, after 6 months spent working in the Italian organization, I moved to Spain in the lovely city of Tudela.
Being in Spain I got the opportunity to work within process development and operations (I am a Mechanical Engineer, so you could guess I was happy to work within these fields) having a full operational role and responsibilities. I learnt a lot on the processes we carry out in SKF to produce bearings for the automotive market and I also got the opportunity to apply what I studied in the university (which is more unusual to do than you may think). Working within operations was cool as I got a different point of view of the production process. Living in such a beautiful country as Spain I also travelled a lot in the weekends and I got the crazy opportunity to participate to the famous San Fermin festival in Pamplona.
After 5 months spent in Spain I went to Gothenburg to gather with the other Graduates. I also had the opportunity to represent SKF at the UNITECH career fair at Chalmers University of Technology. It has been an honor to be chosen to represent my company in such an important event with a lot of talented students from the best technical universities of Europe. Coming back to Chalmers, where I spent one year of my master during an exchange programme, made it even more special.
After almost three weeks in Sweden I took a flight with destination South Korea (travelling 23hrs and moving ahead of 7hrs!). I am currently here in Busan, second largest city of the country. I am still working within process development but this time I am focusing on new projects: this is great because after gaining experience on improving existing process I have to opportunity to contribute and apply my knowledge on the design of new processes. Living in South Korea is a new experience everyday, starting with the crazy traffic jams on Friday evening to the spicy Korean food. Again, I am not missing the opportunity to travel in the free time, staying in Korea or going abroad in one of the beautiful neighbors country.
I hope you enjoyed this reading, stay tuned for the next posts from my fellows Graduates!
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