Stockholm: checked!
Jan 25
Lantmännen, TraineeBloggen
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Last time I wrote a blogpost, I just started a few weeks at Lantmännen and now I am already on my second rotation! Where did the time go really? 🙂
After Norrköping, I am currently stationed at the head office in Stockholm. I have been to Stockholm only several times but have never really lived here so I am excited! I am working with Group Function R&D on the topic Sustainable Nutrition. The idea is to influence consumer to eat in a healthier and more sustainable manner (by considering possible emissions production and food waste) and how Lantmännen should position itself within this trend.
The project is personally interesting for me because I know that my work would more or less be able to contribute to the society and sustainable development in the long run (hopefully). This motivation gives me energy to wake up every morning in Stockholm dark sky. Little goes along the way 🙂

Being in Stockholm also gives me new experience about living in one of the biggest Scandinavian cities. Stockholm is huge! It is funny to remember how I struggled to commute with T-bana because there are lots of exits and entrances at each T-bana station, even though I only live couple of minutes away from the office. I am now also used to have my trainee friends and other colleagues to have fika with, which is a very nice opportunity to have especially now during winter gloomy days.
Now I also regularly have Swedish lessons and I can feel some improvements. I can understand conversations better and feel more confident to speak even though not entirely perfect, but I am glad I can try it out. I also have supporting group of friends and colleagues at the office who continuously encourage me to speak, listen and write in Swedish. If I am too tired from the day, I cheat and say “English please” :p Swedish, I am going to get you!
Time to head off for weekend!
Until next time,
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