Taking the construction equipment industry into a digital era
Sep 24
Lantmännen, TraineeBloggen
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Hi blog!
This week it’s me, Hugo, who will tell you about my first time at Lantmännen and my position for the first rotation, which took me to Swecon. For those of you that are not fully familiar with the construction equipment industry (as me for example, at least not yet!), Swecon is the reseller of Volvo Construction Equipment in Sweden, a large part of Germany and the Baltic states. I will be stationed at the Swecon Headquarters which is located in the same building as the Lantmännen HQ in Stockholm, which also means moving back to my home town after five years of studies in Linköping, exciting!
At Swecon I will conduct a market and competition analysis within the mySwecon-project, which is a digital platform developed to give the customer an overview of its machine fleet, and simplify and digitize the customer’s relation with Swecon. For me, somewhat of a rookie in both digitization and (especially) construction equipment it’s been all about diving into an ocean of new terms and concepts in order to get an understanding of the task and structure the execution of the project. This will certainly be a recurring theme during the trainee program and it feels really exciting to get the chance to explore a number of completely new territories during the upcoming 15 months!
The first three weeks have been just as fun as hectic, and already at the second day at Swecon we went to Germany to participate at Nordbau, a large fair for construction equipment, exhibiting everything from wheelbarrows to excavators. Really an amazing start in order to get an initial understanding of what the business and competition is all about! At Nordbau mySwecon had a booth in the Swecon-tent in order to show customers the soon-to-be-launched mySwecon, and even myself held a few customer demonstrations.
So in short, it was a couple of days full of learning, customers educated about the mySwecon-platform and me picking up my first german words: baumaschinen (construction equipment), kraftstoffverbrauch (fuel consumtion) and betriebstunden (operating hours), who would have thought! 🙂
That’s all from me now, take care & stay tuned!
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